The one part I would clarify is that the interviewee states the WSJ is a fair arbiter of the news. He might want to separate out the news side and the editorial side. The editorial side is nothing but a propaganda organ for the GOP, "conservatives", "right wing" pigs and conspiracy fruits and nuts. The news side, the last time I checked in 2003, was brilliant.

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Nice episode. Gave me a suggestion for a guest you might enjoy chatting to: see if you can contact China Miéville.

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Thanks. I'll see what I can do!

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Today I read a piece in WaPo: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/02/10/capitol-insurrectionists-jenna-ryan-financial-problems/. that broke my heart.

My comment: a truly great article on the personal financial woes of many of "insurrectionists" who stormed the Capitol. This piece was stellar and should be Pulitzer material.

Such a great report putting a face on who some of the "insurrectionists" are. This is best reporting I've read in two weeks. Thank you. Too may commenters here are out for the blood that these sad people don't have. If I had as much debt as some of the interviewees I'd have blown my brains out long ago. For me what this speaks to in general is how the economy isn't working for the most. Financial illiteracy and great hopes clash to create many small, personal disasters. We are told that in America anyone can succeed with grit and determination. But that has never been enough. We have been told a lie predating Trump by many decades. But many held on to the fake American dream idea. These people in particular believed the Trump hype. He of innumerable bankruptcies and failed businesses rose from the ashes to become president and continued to grift while in office. It was all a lie but you wouldn't know that by watching Fox News. My little prediction is that when Trump is reduced to the small man he has always been, Melania will leave him to collect on her recently re-forged pre-nup and she will take Barron with her. On to greener pastures as a fashion icon. Sadly, Trump's childhood cradle doesn't say Rosebud on it. I've been wrong before. Oh well. The real fake news is there is an American dream. A system in which some hit it big and most fail. My message to all who would hear: Don't believe the hype.

Anyway, I saw this as the plight of so many Americans who have been left in dust of imperialist greed. The human face that the reporter put on this is unequalled among recent BS about the impeachment, the "invasion"--think Attila the Hun--or Nancy Pelosi huddled on the floor.

Americans can be awakened to reality but little by little it can be done.

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wth? The "interviewer" is Esha, she is Historicly. Have some sympathy for a person's innate manner of speaking. We cannot all be Walter Cronkite's.

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Many thanks for you kind reprimand. I was way out of line. I must have thought Esha is a mannequin on Fox News and I love Historicly.

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Awww... now you make me feel blushed. Such a sweet reply, I am sure Esha is not offended. :)

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Literally, I've enrolled in a course to fix my voice. #1 complain I get is my voice is too high-pitched and squeeky. I am trying. I am mostly limited by funds that I can't hire a voice coach to sound all walter-cronkite!

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Esha please do not stress over it. I was way out of line as a cranky 74 year old. Your presentation was excellent. I am sorry don't spend any more money on this. Just be yourself! You are fine. Over time you can work on it if you want to but your reporting is the important thing. Bijou stuck up for you and her intervention hit the mark. I didn't think anyone remembers Cronkite. Back then CBS news had incredible reporting on Vietnam. One reporter cried on camera. love, suzanne

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We have to love and care about each other. We are a niche that I hope can grow into a larger movement. A diamond starts out coal and becomes, surprise! Un bijou!

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