Certainly Miller and Trump are not the ones to run a fair, nondiscriminatory immigration policy. They have already shown their racism by locking brown people in cages. But even Canada has a merit-based policy. I have never got a satisfactory answer as to why we would want large scale immigration, other than to help large corporations to drive down wages. Also, in view of Global Warming, again I have never got a satisfactory explanation as to why we would want more people in the high-emission U.S. consumer society. Could we support a lot more people in the U.S.? Probably. But why?? At some point we have got to come to grips with the problem of endless, mindless population and "GDP" growth. Temporary refugees are one thing, but if you offer jobs for everyone you will certainly get more people, until Earth can no longer support them.

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These are very good questions. I will answer them in order later tonight.

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