In approximately 45 minutes, at 12:30 PM Eastern Time, 8:30 PM Moscow Time and 6:30 PM Zagreb Time, we will begin our weekly Fireside Chat on Callin. Join us! We will discuss some of the important events on Foreign policy and how the Media covers it! And we take phone calls from listeners.
Here it comes: late this afternoon, the New York Times reported destruction of a Duke Power station 90 miles east of Charlotte, North Carolina, in Moore county, a relatively rural community populated with people of color. The power station was destroyed by rogues who fired at this power station with high velocity guns. The reports are sketchy, but it sounds as if these rogues used military assault rifles, so tonight the Times reports 45,000 people will be without power in the pitch dark and freezing temperatures. I think the situation is terrifying for anyone. i hear the rebel yell, loud and clear. He’s called for a coup, and his people are out.
Here it comes: late this afternoon, the New York Times reported destruction of a Duke Power station 90 miles east of Charlotte, North Carolina, in Moore county, a relatively rural community populated with people of color. The power station was destroyed by rogues who fired at this power station with high velocity guns. The reports are sketchy, but it sounds as if these rogues used military assault rifles, so tonight the Times reports 45,000 people will be without power in the pitch dark and freezing temperatures. I think the situation is terrifying for anyone. i hear the rebel yell, loud and clear. He’s called for a coup, and his people are out.
Hi, My question:
What is the future of Incirklic Airbase? What are its dimensions? thanks