Oct 9, 2021Liked by Esha

This was an excellent article. Thank you. I am going to read The Jakarta Method. Keep punching up, as Jimmy Dore says!

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possibly the only pairing of "leftist “intellectuals.”" and "The Young Turks" in the time space continuum..

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Creating "The Bureau of Free Love" is my next step when Brick Shop ends...

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Very interesting. However, mangrove "swamp" can not be in the interior but only be in a coastal region of Cuba as mangrove requires salt water.

..."Fidel Castro spent his time in a mangrove swamp in the interior of Cuba"...

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Thanks. I must have must have misread it. Indeed they say he was in Sierra Oriente.

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Very useful and insightful.

IN fact such terms are abused to serve the self interests of powers.

Democracy, human rights, authoritarianism, totalitarian regimes, etc, are exploited buzz words for political bias and narratives.

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any more information on kim il sung's mom's "please go free korea."? thanks for the interesting article..

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It is somewhere in this book "With the Century" look through this thread.


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