I'm entirely willing to entertain the possibility that the whole Xianjing situation is overblown, and full of half truths to push war with China. I'm also willing to entertain the possibility that a one party state that does not tolerate dissent is just as capable as every other aspiring superpower to commit atrocities in pursuit of dominance.
Not that my opinion matters for anything in this worthless shithole country.
Yes the propaganda media complex lies constantly, especially about foreign powers. All that means is that there isn't any reliable reporting about it. And since assuming there are never any good guys and life is always much much worse than you can possibly imagine has never steered me wrong before, that's where I land.
Even if the maxiamilist claims are debunkable, China could end the story instantly a by inviting the UN, or a delegation from some very pro-china european country to tour. Everyone is always evil.
I'm entirely willing to entertain the possibility that the whole Xianjing situation is overblown, and full of half truths to push war with China. I'm also willing to entertain the possibility that a one party state that does not tolerate dissent is just as capable as every other aspiring superpower to commit atrocities in pursuit of dominance.
Not that my opinion matters for anything in this worthless shithole country.
Sure. But, you don't have to make this be hypothetical. With a little research you can find out the truth about both issues.
It seems that "you are willing to entertain the possibility" but why entertain the possibility for things you can be sure about?
Yes the propaganda media complex lies constantly, especially about foreign powers. All that means is that there isn't any reliable reporting about it. And since assuming there are never any good guys and life is always much much worse than you can possibly imagine has never steered me wrong before, that's where I land.
Even if the maxiamilist claims are debunkable, China could end the story instantly a by inviting the UN, or a delegation from some very pro-china european country to tour. Everyone is always evil.
What if China already invited the EU, but the EU rejected it?
Why would the EU reject it?
A) They are totally lying and they know it.
B) ________ whatever excuse they wanna make up.
This is also not unprecedented. For example, Nicholas Maduro asked the UN to come. But, Guaido rejected the UN monitoring of the elections because... well we know it is because he is lying. https://historicly.substack.com/p/no-tyt-there-is-no-progressive-case