Jun 4, 2022Liked by Esha

Also, I remember that Nixon was trying to get re-elected when he froze wages, gas, and , food prices. Again these actions caused protest and sent the economy into inflation. Every action has a reaction. Folks couldn’t afford meat and though gas was around .40 cents a gallon , milk was almost 4 times that amount. Once the price freezes had to be lifted in about 2-3 months , the economy was shot.

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I should look more into the economy of that period... I had been distracted by the foreign policy.... that I hadn't paid too much attention to Nixon's domestic policies. Thanks for the information. I will look into it more and maybe I should have Fadheel on to discuss it.

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Jun 4, 2022Liked by Esha

I remember President Nixon froze prices for a short time but I also remember that it did not work and that we ended up with soaring gas prices and shortages. Long lines at the gas stations, resulting in freezing what day you could get gas. I remember far to well farmers protesting and not being able to get a fair price for their crops. I know I cannot be the only one to have lived through the results of that period of time.

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Major problem is impotent “leaders” like Biden have revealed themselves to be fascists themselves, along with all who support them. Functionaries of the Davos popularity crowd, the World Economic Forum and the Bilderberg group. Psychopathological, unintelligent BS artists. We need immediate weapons of mass intelligence.

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You mean "well-read people"? I will start my reading series... in a week or so... check us out on youtube!

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I was 14 and even remember seeing the giant newspaper headlines about the price freeze.

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Yes. I wish more people remembered and didnt allow him to get away with such a lie. Nixon did it twice!

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