Belief in a mid 19th century reaction to laissez faire capitalism is as daft as the fetishization of markets.

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The US flag is just a propaganda technique. Whether it's right or wrong depends on the quality of the personally cult associated with that propaganda.

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I read your tweets about James Gunn. You know his movie is fictional. It is also a blockbuster film. Blockbuster films aren't going to depict the real life horrors of death squads, you dingbat. Besides, have you actually googled how many productions use military vehicles? But you're too insane to know this, and you'll pretend you're pursuing a moral cause when you're just harassing people with your idiocy.

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What has all disjointed talk got to do with reading theory?! (Looking at the camera would help too.)

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Sorry. I accidentally got the wrong camera.

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