We have have inaugurated a new President, but ultimately, it is upto the American people to realize that “Nothing has Fundamentally Changed” and nothing can as long as we have the same structures in place.
Today, we will discuss some of the most insidious aspects of imperialism. Join us today at 4:30 PM
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Short of a cataclysm, fundamental change in a state's structure and functioning is almost impossible.
In the case of the US, even its Constitution was designed to prevent it, as Chomsky observed: “The US Constitution was framed to thwart the democratic aspirations of most of the public.. It was a “Framers’ Coup” against the democratic aspirations of most of the public — the title of Michael Klarman’s impressive study of the making of the Constitution, generally regarded as the “gold standard” in the scholarly literature”.
Look at what it took to give China the opportunity to make fundamental changes.